
Retreat Programs

Master Santos is pleased to offer a transformative 3-day group retreat program in the serene and natural beauty of Muskoka. This retreat is designed to facilitate deep healing, connection, and personal growth through a carefully curated blend of sound healing, expressive arts, and immersive nature activities. The retreat will begin and conclude with powerful ceremonies to mark the journey of transformation for all participants.

‌For the first day of Master Santos’s transformative group retreat in Muskoka, participants are welcomed into a space designed to foster immediate connection with nature, themselves, and each other. The day is meticulously planned to ease attendees into the retreat’s rhythms and introduce them to the journey ahead, culminating in a profound induction ceremony.


Morning: Arrival and Welcoming

Upon arrival at the serene Muskoka retreat location, participants are greeted by Master Santos and his team. The setting is tranquil, surrounded by lush forests and the gentle sounds of nature, instantly creating a sense of peace and anticipation for the days ahead.

Attendees are shown their accommodations, where details have been thoughtfully arranged to promote comfort and mindfulness, such as natural elements in rooms and personal journals for reflection.

The retreat officially begins with a group gathering in a communal space that overlooks the stunning natural landscape. Master Santos introduces himself and the retreat’s ethos, emphasizing the importance of openness, respect, and the transformative potential of the coming days.

Participants are invited to introduce themselves, sharing their names, backgrounds, and intentions for attending the retreat. This initial sharing circle is instrumental in establishing a sense of community and trust among the group.

After settling in, the group embarks on a guided nature walk led by Master Santos, designed to connect participants with Muskoka’s natural beauty and energy. This walk includes moments of mindful observation, encouraging attendees to fully engage all their senses to experience the environment.

Specific stops along the walk invite participants to practice silent meditation, focusing on the forest’s sounds, scents, and sights, enhancing their connection to the present moment and the natural world.

Afternoon: Connection with Nature

The retreat officially begins with a group gathering in a communal space that overlooks the stunning natural landscape. Master Santos introduces himself and the retreat’s ethos, emphasizing the importance of openness, respect, and the transformative potential of the coming days.

Participants are invited to introduce themselves, sharing their names, backgrounds, and intentions for attending the retreat. This initial sharing circle is instrumental in establishing a sense of community and trust among the group.

The nature walk transitions into grounding activities, such as barefoot walks on the forest floor or the water’s edge, depending on the location. These activities are based on the principle that direct contact with the earth can rebalance energy and reduce stress.

Master Santos leads the group in nature-based mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing with visualizations inspired by the surroundings, further fostering a sense of peace and groundedness.

The first day’s communal activities transition into a shared dinner, offering organic, locally sourced meals that reflect the retreat’s commitment to natural living and mindfulness.

This meal serves as an informal continuation of the morning’s introductions, allowing participants to deepen their connections and share more about their journeys in a relaxed setting.

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As twilight deepens, the group gathers around a ceremonial fire, symbolizing warmth, transformation, and community. The fire ceremony begins with Master Santos setting the sacred space, invoking the elements, and offering gratitude.

Participants are invited to set personal intentions for the retreat, focusing on what they wish to release, discover, or transform. These intentions may be shared aloud or held in silence, honoured by the supportive energy of the group.

The ceremony includes a sound healing session, with Master Santos utilizing instruments like drums, singing bowls, and chimes that resonate with the elemental energies of fire and earth. This session is designed to open heart spaces, release pent-up emotions, and align energies within the group, setting a powerful tone for the days ahead.

The evening concludes with a reflective silence, allowing the group to internalize the ceremony’s experiences and the intentions set, surrounded by the natural nocturnal symphony of Muskoka.


Morning: Sound Healing and Expressive Arts

The day begins with an early morning sound healing session by the lake, capturing the serene beauty of sunrise in Muskoka. Master Santos guides participants through a meditative experience, using the harmonic vibrations of singing bowls, chimes, and nature sounds. This session is intended to align the participants’ energies with the new day, fostering a sense of renewal and clarity.

Following the sound healing session, participants enjoy a nutritious breakfast made with local, organic ingredients, supporting physical and mental well-being. This meal also serves as a quiet time for personal reflection, allowing the group to internalize the morning’s experiences and prepare for the day ahead.

Mid-morning, the group engages in an expressive arts workshop, facilitated by Master Santos and a guest artist. This workshop introduces various mediums—painting, sculpture, or even digital art—for participants to explore their inner landscapes and express themselves creatively. The natural surroundings of Muskoka serve as inspiration, with the workshop designed to encourage freedom of expression, emotional release, and the discovery of personal insights through art.

Afternoon: Integration and Movement

A wholesome lunch provides participants with a midday break, offering time to rest and integrate the morning’s activities. Post-lunch, there’s scheduled free time, allowing for personal reflection, journaling, or casual conversations with fellow participants, fostering deeper connections within the group.

The afternoon session focuses on movement, with activities ranging from yoga and partner dances to nature walks or even light hiking. These activities are chosen to complement the morning’s expressive arts, integrating emotional and creative expressions into the body, enhancing mindfulness, and promoting physical well-being.

The first day’s communal activities transition into a shared dinner, offering organic, locally sourced meals that reflect the retreat’s commitment to natural living and mindfulness.

This meal serves as an informal continuation of the morning’s introductions, allowing participants to deepen their connections and share more about their journeys in a relaxed setting.

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meditation nearme

The evening culminates in a Closing Ceremony, which begins with a gratitude circle. Participants are invited to share their reflections, insights, and transformative moments from the day. This circle fosters a supportive environment, allowing for emotional sharing and collective reflection.

Following the gratitude circle, Master Santos leads a final group sound healing session. This session focuses on integration, using specific sound frequencies and rhythms to harmonize the day’s experiences, solidify the emotional and spiritual growth achieved, and reinforce the sense of community among the participants. The sound healing serves as a powerful closing ritual, marking the end of the day’s journey and preparing the group for the final day of the retreat.

The ceremony concludes with a silent meditation under the stars, providing a tranquil space for participants to absorb the day’s lessons and prepare for the integration and departure on the following day.

Day 2 of the retreat is a journey through sound, creativity, movement, and reflection, designed to deepen the connections forged on the first day and facilitate personal and collective growth. It’s a day where the natural beauty of Muskoka, the power of sound healing, and the expressiveness of art converge to create a transformative experience.‌

DAY THREE - Final Day

Morning: Reflective Nature Walk and Final Sharing

The day begins at dawn with a reflective nature walk led by Master Santos, allowing participants to greet the new day amidst the tranquility of Muskoka’s landscapes. This walk is intended as a silent meditation, offering a space for personal reflection on the retreat’s experiences and the inner transformations that have occurred.

The path takes participants through serene locations, encouraging them to connect with nature’s subtle awakenings and to internalize the peace and stillness of the morning, fostering a deep sense of gratitude and presence.

Returning from the walk, a nourishing breakfast awaits, providing a time for quiet contemplation or gentle conversation with fellow participants. This meal serves as a moment to begin integrating the retreat’s experiences, reflecting on personal growth and the journey ahead.

After breakfast, Master Santos convenes a final group-sharing circle. This session is an opportunity for participants to vocalize their retreat experiences, insights gained, challenges overcome, and intentions for carrying their transformations forward into daily life. Master Santos facilitates this sharing with mindfulness, ensuring a supportive and respectful environment where each voice is heard and honored.

The circle serves as a powerful acknowledgment of each participant’s journey, reinforcing the sense of community and mutual support that has developed over the three days.

Afternoon: Closing Ceremony and Departure
4.Lunch and Preparation for the Closing Ceremony

A communal lunch offers one last opportunity for the group to share a meal, reinforcing the bonds formed during the retreat. Post-lunch, participants are given some time for personal preparation, reflection, or rest, gathering their thoughts and energies for the closing ceremony.

The retreat’s culmination is marked by a closing ceremony, thoughtfully crafted by Master Santos to honor the journey undertaken by each participant. This ceremony includes:

A collective gratitude practice, where participants are invited to express their thanks for the experience, the natural setting, and the connections made.

A ritual of release, where participants can symbolically let go of any remaining burdens or limitations they wish to leave behind in Muskoka, facilitated through a fire ritual or a similar symbolic act.

A final group sound healing session, carefully chosen to encapsulate the essence of the retreat, fostering a sense of completion, renewal, and unity among the participants. This session aims to solidify the growth and insights gained, sealing them with positive vibrations and intentions.

The ceremony concludes with a moment of silence, allowing the group to inwardly affirm their journey and the steps they will take moving forward, supported by the collective energy and Master Santos’s blessings.

Following the closing ceremony, participants have time to say farewells, exchange contacts, and prepare for departure. Master Santos and his team are available for final personal blessings, guidance, or brief individual consultations, ensuring each participant leaves with clarity and peace.

By 6 PM, participants depart from the retreat, carrying with them the transformative experiences, connections, and teachings from the past three days. They leave enriched, empowered, and equipped with new perspectives and practices to integrate into their daily lives, marking the beginning of a continued journey of growth and self-discovery.

Day 3 of the retreat in Muskoka is a testament to the power of nature, sound healing, and community in fostering profound personal transformation and connectivity. It ensures that participants leave not just with memories but with meaningful changes that resonate throughout their lives.